Generation Taraddicts: As a youth writer, you are probably the most famous French author (ed : Tara Duncan is a hit in France every year, and she is well known abroad, published in over fifteen countries), how do you feel about it?
Sophie Audouin-Mamikonian: Really?! Me? Well, I think I am just another author among many.GT: Many authors keep a certain distance with their fans, what gets you to be so close with taraddicts? (ed: Tara-addicts, term created in 2006 to name her fans)
SAM: My love for people ! I’ve got some kind of mother hen syndrome! Every time I see a chick (and finally, whatever their age may be) I take it under my wing!GT: What got you so involved on the internet?
SAM : I wanted to share something with my readers, because I missed it, not being able to tell Georges Lucas how much I loved Star Wars!GT: How did internet began and developed your relation with your fans. Were you expecting it?
SAM: I created my website in 2002, including my email, and my blog in 2005. I would say that it came really naturally; the blog was a following of the mails I received and answered. And Fabrice Florent, a friend who manages madmoizelle.com, told me I had to write a blog because he just loved the crazy stuff that always happens to me!GT: On the internet, you give advices to many of your fans who happen to be writers in being. Are you confident in the future of youth literature in France?
SAM: Marie Caillet, a young taraddict has actually published her first book! (L’Héritage des Darcer (The Darcer’s Inheritance), Michel Lafon, 2010) I corresponded with her, and I believe I am one of the first who told her she was talented. So the answer is yes, there is a huge writing potential in our youth!GT: When you say book, I say review! You didn’t have many negative reviews, but how do you handle them? (Is this chocolate I see ? :P)
SAM: Badly. It is impossible to review a book in an objective manner, because what we like, someone else may hate it. So I don’t really understand people who just spit hatred on authors. I find it futile and mean. Let them write books and get published before judging!GT: You often get into themes that are usually kept silent in youth literature. Are you trying to pass a message?
SAM: Never. This would impoverish my writing. But what I respect always comes out in my novels: pollution problems, the power money gives and power itself, teens’ sexuality (but lightly), love, friendship. Those are important themes.GT: Are there themes you refuse to evoke in Tara Duncan ? Did your editor censor you?
SAM: Yes indeed. At first Kyla (ed: Kyla is a girl protagonist of the sixth installment of Tara Duncan : In Magister’s Trap) was a boy in a homosexual relationship. My editor asked me to change it.GT: Tara will soon be published in the USA, are you ready ?
SAM: I’m the same in Korea, I answer every day to Korean, Japanese, Italian or Russian mails, and it has been going on for years! USA will be the same, it will just be easier since I speak English!See you soon for the second part of this exclusive interview !