La Couleur de l'Âme des Anges
With the release of her brand new book La Couleur de l'Âme des Anges (The Angel's Soul Color), Sophie Audouin Mamikonian granted us this exclusive interview on the origins of her new series which is this year's event ! Discover the other side of The Angel's Soul Color...Generation Taraddicts : Just one month before The Color is released, any apprehension?
Her Royal Highness Sophie Audouin-Mamikonian : I'm dying with stage fright! Argh!
Gen T : With Tara, you reinvent magic, with Indiana it's werewolves and time travel... In The Angel's Soul Color the heroes are angels... Where did this idea come from ?
HRH Sophie A-M : I was in Bruges, in 2002, I was at an art exhibition about Jan Van Eyck my favorit painter when I was hit by a painting by Jean Fouquet, lent by the Anvers Museum : La Madonne à l'Enfant. And behind were blue and red angels, with plastic like skin. For a 15th century painter, it was incredible! I loved this painting, and suddenly, I knew what angels were, and more important, what they were doing to us, humans...
Gen T : Did anything else turn you to the myth of angels?
HRH Sophie A-M : This painting, truly. Nothing to do with any mystical idea or desire to pass some king of message. It's a feeling, an impression. I am but a story teller, not a prophet !
Gen T : The Angel's Soul Color is a short series, where did the idea to write a "duology" came?
HRH Sophie A-M : In the first book, Jeremy meets angels... in the second... it's what's above them...
Gen T : Jeremy bears the same name as one of Tara's characters. Is it a coincidence ? How was this character born?
HRH Sophie A-M : Oh, no idea, I just like this surname, that's all. It's french and american, I like everything that is international and takes us out of our famous "french exception."
Gen T : We are used to you being one of the funniest writers ever. Even if the tone is much more dramatic, will humor still be present?
HRH Sophie A-M : Of course ! I'm unable to work without humor. So Jeremy, the poor guy, will be involved in situations where the reader won't be able to do anything but laugh. But it will indeed be less present than in Tara or Indiana...
Gen T : The Color was very long to finish. How did you manage to go back to it after all these years ?
HRH Sophie A-M : This is one of the strangests things about my brain. I usually forgot what day it is, where I am, to eat, to sleep, however an idea or a concept is never forgotten. So whenever I go back to it, it feels like it was only yesterday that I left it ! Yes my brain is a weird one !
Gen T : Tara Duncan is for a young audience, Indiana Teller for teenagers and The Angel's Soul Color for young adults... Was it hard to adapt your writing to each book while writing the three in just one year?
HRH Sophie A-M : No, I wrote forty novels, dramas, songs, scenarios... I don't have much difficulties switching from a style to the other, and I really enjoyed The Angel's Soul Color as I was able to write some sensual scenes that fitted my seductress' temperament!
Gen T : Thanks for answering those questions!
Sophie A-M : You're welcome, it's always a pleasure !