Magister means "Master" in Latin.

Book Six : Tara Duncan in Magister’s Trap.

This time it’s too much! Selena, Tara’s mother, has been attacked by Magister in Omois’ gardens, her new boyfriend vaporized; she barely managed to escape… Tara is done with this sicko threatening her and her family… and there is just one solution. Find him, and confound him. And if he could get killed by accident… well… that’ll be practical. But how could she find demoniac magic? Maybe if she could lend a hand on the Kraetovir ring, brought back from the Forbidden Continent by Vampires. So Tara goes to Krasalvie… and she is not aware that she just set foot in a trap Magister has been conceiving for years…

Publisher's description : In the mag­nif­i­cent palace in Ornois, young Tara is fuming. The mag­ical blue cloud that sur­rounds her trem­bles from her fury. The evil Magister is the cause of her rage: he has attacked her once again. Or rather, her mother, which is even worse. He tried to kidnap her, right under the very noses of the guards, in the middle of the Imperial Palace’s gar­dens. This time, Tara has had enough. She doesn’t want to keep living the hunted life she lives, always waiting for her elu­sive enemy’s next move. She is fif­teen, the heir to an Empire, her magic may be among the strongest ever pos­sessed by a human, she is sur­rounded by loyal friends. She will fight. She will flush Magister out. Then destroy him. It is the begin­ning of an adven­ture, filled with betrayal, deadly perils, and traps. Their friend­ships, as well as the love sto­ries already begun between them, will be severely tested. Will they prove capable of escaping the claws of this evil mas­ter­mind? Adventure, humour, magic and love: with the adven­tures of the young witch Tara Duncan, pub­lished in more than ten coun­tries, Sophie Audouin-Mamikonian has already con­quered the hearts of thou­sands of readers.